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HYP4FITNESS Provides Evidence Based Coaching For Nutrition, Strength Training & Sports Performance.
M.S. Exercise Physiology
B.S. Exercise Science & Kinesiology
Specializing in body recomposition, nutrition, overall health, fitness, and wellness.
"Genetics is a powerful word, don't let it dictate your success. Hard work can override genetics"-Shayne Allan

Are you ready to start your transformation?

Embarking on a new fitness journey has the ability to change your perspective on life. My goal is to help you achieve your goal by providing research backed information. This will allow you to not get caught up in any unrealistic fallacies that you may have previously encountered. My information and strategies are customized to your specific body type and goal. By providing you with all the necessary tools, education and advice, your goal may be attained more efficiently. Many personal health coaches GUARANTEE results (this is false). I guarantee a scientific approach that is maintainable, realistic, and attainable. My guarantee is that if you stick to the process, remain determined, and motivated, you will see RESULTS.

Let me help you become your best self.




  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation

  • Stress Testing

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)


Strategic Diet Plan

Diet Salad
  • Macronutrients

  • Weight loss

  • Weight Gain

  • Maintenance

  • Reverse Dieting

  • Sport Nutrition



Crossfit Exercise
  • College Athletes

  • Amateur/Professional Golfers

  • Bodybuilding

  • Physique

  • Biomechanics

  • Track & Field

  • Gymnastics

Image by Anastase Maragos
  • Lean Muscle Mass

  • Fat Mass

  • Bone Density

  • Metabolic Testing

Bone, Muscle, Fat



All Populations

  • Special Populations

  • Pregnant

  • Elderly

  • Teens

Online Coaching

Fitness & Nutrition Plans

Ask yourself – “Am I committed to; learning, thriving, listening, overcoming, and conquering for the next 1-3 months?”

I can’t guarantee it will be easy, that you won’t face challenges, or that it will be any sort of “quick fix” to all of the changes you want to make. What I can guarantee, is that over the course of these next few months, you are going to learn a great deal of information regarding nutrition, exercise, your body, and your abilities. With your dedication the results WILL show.

Includes: Fitness plans, diet plans, weekly checkin...more.

Once Off Fitness Plans


​Various different plans based on the goal you are trying to achieve.​

  • Hypertrophy

  • Strength

  • Power

  • Endurance

These plans allow you to track weekly progress by tracking Rate of Perceived Exertion and progressively increasing your weights to optimize your goal. Each and every plan is fully customized to you.



If you are 100% committed to looking your absolute best, I have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to help you do so.​

I am an IPE Professional

I also have my Master Degree in exercise science. This knowledge is an important aspect as I understand how the body responds to specific stimuli allowing us to make you look stage ready.

Aspects we will perfect:

Contest Prep
  • Nutrition

  • Fitness

  • Supplementation

  • Meal timing

  • Recovery

  • Sleep

  • Stress

  • Posing & Tanning

Once Off Diet Plans
Healthy Lunch


​Various different plans based on the goal you are trying to achieve.​ You will receive 4-5 different options that can be interchanged daily or weekly.

  • Weight-loss

  • Weight Gain

  • Maintenance

These plans provide:

  • Meals

  • Total Calories

  • Protein

  • Carbohydrates

  • Fats

  • Fiber

  • Water

  • More...

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